[Lcd4linux-devel] LCD Display Driver
Sascha Kilian
2014-03-10 12:04:55 UTC
Hello Dear lcd4linux Team,

i have buyd a hd44780 compatible Display from Abacom and tryed to use
some Drivers to bring the display to work. I failed...

i have got from Abacom a libusb python script that can communicate with
this display. I dont can make it real to work.

The Hardware:

USB-To-Serial Adapter: ch351a-Chip
Display: HD44780 Compatible 4x20 (Blue/White)

I try to make a Driver via Libusb but my knowlege in C is very very
slow. I have played a little with the python script and have understand
a little bit of communicating with USB and Microcontroller Adressing but
i have no time to develop a working driver. In your driver Howto you
have written "if a usb device mail me". Can u Develop a Driver for

I can give you the Adress Tables and Datasheets or some other

Best regards from Germany

Sascha Kilian
